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Port Simpson (Crosby Home for Girls)

 -  1892 -1948

Religious Entity: Methodist United Church

The Port Simpson school was an outgrowth of the work of the Methodist missionary Thomas Crosby and his wife Emma. Starting in the 1870s, the Crosbys began boarding Aboriginal girls in their home in Port Simpson, British Columbia. By 1879, this work led to the establishment of the Crosby Home for Girls, which became a government-funded boarding school in 1893. The Crosby Boys’ Home was established in 1890. A 1905 inspection report concluded that the students were being harshly treated and underfed. The school remained in operation, with government funding until 1948.

Group of students sitting outside on steps from Port Simpson Crosby Home for Girls
Photo en noir et blanc de trois adolescentes autochtones avec le texte Déclaration des Nations Unies sur les droits des peuples autochtones.
Group of girls kneeling and standing outside from Port Simpson Crosby Home for Girls

Remembering the Following Students:

NameDate of Death (Year/Month/Day)
Ethel Haldaneca. 1913
Jane Spencer1908-05-30
Rose O’Reillyca. 1913