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Kuper Island

 -  1890 -1975

Religious Entity: Catholic

The Kuper Island School on Kuper Island near Chemainus, Vancouver Island, British Columbia opened in 1889. Students set fire to the school in 1895 when holidays were cancelled. A survey carried out in that year showed that of 264 former students 107 had died. Two sisters drowned while trying to escape the school in 1959 and another student died by suicide in 1966. The federal government took over the administration of the school in 1969 and closed it in 1975. In 1995 a former employee pled guilty to three charges of indecent assault and gross indecency.

Group of students sitting and standing by truck from Kupersland School

Remembering the Following Students:

NameDate of Death (Year/Month/Day)
Adelina Paul1900-10-10
Adeline Celestine Jones1917-10-13
Alfred William1909-09-07
Allen Jamesonca. 1941
Aloysius Daniel1922-05-15
Aloysius Wilson1920-07-10
Amanda Frenchie1892-12-01 – 1892-12-31
Amanda James1909-12-01
Amos Johnson1906-01-27
Andrew Joseph1938-05-22
Angus Crocker1902-01-01 – 1903-12-31
Anna Amie1918-10-19
Annie Pappenberger1910-01-22
Annie Tommy1917-06-23
August Jimmy1894-03-30
August Tseleokanum1894-02-04
Belinda Marie Jack1966-11-17
Bernadette Thomas1948-06-22
Beverly Joseph1959-01-01
Bob PierreNot known
Caroline Felix1966-06-02
Caroline Jacob1892-12-01 – 1892-12-31
Caroline Williams1920-04-20
Catherine Jacob1892-12-01 – 1892-12-31
Catherine Johnnyca. 1915
Catherine Tom1911-01-14
Celina Thomas1900-03-01 – 1900-03-31
Charlie Bob1933-01-19
Christine HarryNot known
Clothilda Willie1901-01-01 – 1902-12-31
Cosmas Ya-Epoutle1891-08-25
Delphina Theoqualt1920-01-01
Donalda Philip1933-03-14
Eddie BobNot known
Edgar Basil1909-08-01
Eline Frenchie1892-10-18
Eliza Louis1902-01-01
Eliza Page1900-06-27
Elizabeth Smith1937-03-10
Ellen Casimir1908-04-23
Ellen Mosesca. 1897
Elmer Hardy1928-02-29
Emile Keith1908-04-16
Emily PeterNot known
Emma Williams1928-01-05
Etienne Harry1909-07-01 – 1909-07-31
Eva Hall1922-05-05
Everest Alex George1940-06-15
Felix Antoine1892-05-01 – 1892-05-31
Francois Johnny1894-01-13
Frank Johnny1898-09-23
George Baptist1896-01-01 – 1897-12-31
George George1897-03-06
George Moses Johnny1938-03-07
Harold Araneda1924-02-14
Harry JohnnyNot known
Henry JohnnyNot known
Henry Willie1917-08-25
Herbert Gabourie1898-12-29
Ida Tom1901-06-18
Jasper Mitchell1924-03-18
Jeannen JoeNot known
Jim BaptistNot known
Joe EdwardsNot known
John Baptist Jim1909-03-01
Johnny Jack1898-02-07
Joseph BasilNot known
Joseph Jacobca. 1922-07-01
Josephine Jacob1895-01-30
Josephine Norrisca. 1897
Jules Tseleskampten1895-10-01 – 1895-10-31
Lena Ruben1919-01-01
Lilly Leo Charlie1936-10-16
Lizzie Johnny1924-03-27
Lizzie Joseph Edward1935-06-06
Louisa WilliamsNot known
Lucy O’Sheam1910-06-29
Lucy Peter Norris1920-01-01
Mabel Moses1924-10-31
Maggie BobNot known
Margaret Louis1907-12-30
Maria Mclean1924-10-28
Marie Thorne1950-12-02
Martha Phillip1934-05-23
Mary Agnes Johnstonca. 1907-01-01
Mary Josie Siah1922-09-03
Mildred James1935-10-11
Modest Kosteinagant1894-08-06
Moise JimNot known
Norma Pauline Frank1948-06-09
Norman Clarence Aleck1980-06-24
P. Williams (Kuper Island)Not known
Patricia Marilyn Joseph1959-01-17
Patrick Joe1917-01-30
Peter Siah1934-06-25
Philip Jack1910-04-01 – 1910-04-30
Pierre BobNot known
Raymond A. Brown1940-12-29
Richard Thomas1966-06-02
Rosalie Moses1923-04-30 or 1923-05-05
Rosalina Johnny1920-01-01
Rosy Michael David1942-01-01
Samuel Anghame1893-05-22
Samuel Whonock1894-09-25
Simon Gontekca. 1894-01-01
Simon Tom1894-01-01 – 1895-12-31
Sophie BaptistNot known
Sophie CasimirNot known
Sophie Joseph1916-05-13
Sophy Nelson1916-05-01 1916-05-31
Stanley Frank1938-03-11
Stanley Paul1947-12-31
Theophane Johnny1894-12-01 – 1894-12-31
Thomas Jim1906-09-22
Tommy AleckNot known
Vera UnderwoodNot known
Verneda David Aleck1938-08-17
Veronica Classetow Canute1917-10-15
William Jones1928-01-28
William PeterNot known
Willie HenryNot known
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