View Your Records
The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) was created to preserve the memory and legacy of Canada’s residential school system.
The most important service we provide is delivering Survivors and their families a record of their own history, a sacred bundle that the NCTR will protect and preserve forever for the benefit of all Canadians. These archives are the spiritual core of the NCTR.

Access the spiritual core of the NCTR: the AtoM archive database is a rich, dynamic and vast collection of documents, oral histories, photos and other important records gathered by the TRC and beyond.
Interactive Map
Use our interactive map to browse the archives.

Request a Record
Survivors and Intergenerational Survivors: To request your records, or the records of a family member, you can contact the NCTR directly.
Survivor Support
Accessing and viewing records within the NCTR Archives may be a traumatic experience for Survivors and their families. If at any time you feel the need to speak with someone, a national crisis line is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The National Residential School Crisis Line: 1-866-925-4419
NCTR’s spirit name – bezhig miigwan, meaning “one feather”.
Bezhig miigwan calls upon us to see each Survivor coming to the NCTR as a single eagle feather and to show those Survivors the same respect and attention an eagle feather deserves. It also teaches we are all in this together — we are all one, connected, and it is vital to work together to achieve reconciliation.