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Coqualeetza (Chilliwack Home)

 -  1889 -1940

Religious Entity: Methodist United Church

Methodist missionaries opened a day school at Coqualeetza, BC in 1886. The following year, they added a residence for boarding students. A new school, built in 1889, burned down in 1891. Starting in the 1920s, the school began teaching Aboriginal handicrafts. The principal, in an effort to decrease the institutional nature of the school, introduced cottages for younger students and semi-private rooms for older students in the 1930s. When the school closed in 1940, students were transferred to the Alberni school and the school building became the Coqualeetza Indian Hospital.

Group of students outside Coqualeetza Chilliwack School
The Coqualeetza Residential School located in Sardis, British Columbia.

Remembering the Following Students:

NameDate of Death (Year/Month/Day)
Abel Wardca. 1936
Aleck (Alex) Sam1937-02-14
Alice Dick1926-01-01
Amelia Jim1900-07-24
Andrew F. Johnston1902-04-30
Annie Charley Short1898-10-23
Belinda James1909-06-05
Cyril Edgar1937-10-01 – 1937-12-31
Hannah [Coq]1898-10-23
Hannah Wilson1901-05-28
Harry Tate1903-05-02
Ida Inlsey1901-06-22
Jonah Ebbstone1909-07-14
Josephine Mckay1918-12-04
Laurence Hall1935-07-01
Lloyd George David Quocksistala1930-02-15
Louis Naas1904-04-30
May Parnell1935-07-13
Paul Legace1902-02-26
Susan D. John1901-06-22
Violet Underwood1938-12-05
William Mckay1936-09-14