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NCTR Education Presentations

About the NCTR Education Presentations

The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) offers presentations, workshops, and educational activities upon request. Each session is customized to match the audience’s knowledge and interest in residential schools and the archives.

Whether your audience is new to the topic of residential schools or wants to learn about social justice actions, NCTR staff can engage the public on various subjects related to our mandate.

Book a Presentation

To book a presentation, please use the request form below and our team will work with you to create a custom presentation that best meets your needs.

To help inform your decision, you can review and download the NCTR background and educational training options (PDF). This document includes information on available programming, content, delivery, costs, and sample agendas.

Requests from educators, students, organizations, and the private and public sectors are evaluated by the NCTR education team to determine the appropriate speaker.

Engagement can range in length anywhere from an hour to half-day programs and are available throughout the year.

Panoramic photo of a meeting room with handmade feathers hanging from the ceiling and posters and art around the room.

Presentation Request Form

Due to capacity and Truth and Reconciliation Week programming the NCTR does not take speaking engagements in the last 2 weeks in September (Sep 16-Sep 30).

Submit your requests for speakers, presentations, and professional development. A member of the education unit will review and respond accordingly. All fields with a red asterisk is required.

  • French Language Sessions

    The NCTR Education Unit is able to support English and French language sessions for all content.
  • Fees

    The NCTR works on a sliding fee scale to ensure all groups and organizations have access to presentation content and information. We recommend a donation of $300 for every hour worth of engagement or development of new content.
  • Scheduling Notice

    Please allow at least 2 weeks time between creating your request and the day you are requesting our service.
  • Organizer Information

    Please provide your name, organization, and contact information.
  • Event Information

    Please provide the following information about the desired engagement.
  • Select the type of engagement from the NCTR.
  • If the type of engagement is not listed, please identify how you would like to engage with the Centre.
  • Please confirm the length of time requested with the NCTR.
  • How many participants do you estimate will be in attendance.
  • Confirm whether the engagement is to be held at the NCTR or another location. Please include address if another location.
  • Please identify what platform is to be used if a virtual engagement.
  • If the virtual platform you wish to use is not listed, please identify it here.
  • Please write a few notes to describe the guests.
  • Please write a few notes that confirm whether audience members have heard from the NCTR on a prior occasion.
  • Please provide a few suggested dates and times for the engagement.

    We require up to 2 weeks advanced notice to respond to your request. Please arrange accordingly.

  • Presentation Content

    Please complete this section if you are hoping for more than just a standard presentation of NCTR educational material.
  • Please write a few notes about the group’s knowledge level about residential schools or the requested content.
  • Please select the topics, themes, or specific content that you would like covered during the engagement.

    Please do not select all topics. Your chosen topics should fit within the time frame you are asking for. Our presenters can cover 1 topic in 30 minutes and up to 2 topics in 1 hour.

  • Please provide a description of content desired if the topic is not listed above or if you have more detailed request.
  • Please provide any additional questions, comments, or requests.
  • Please provide a few notes on any accessibility options that are needed.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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NCTR’s spirit name – bezhig miigwan, meaning “one feather”.

Bezhig miigwan calls upon us to see each Survivor coming to the NCTR as a single eagle feather and to show those Survivors the same respect and attention an eagle feather deserves. It also teaches we are all in this together — we are all one, connected, and it is vital to work together to achieve reconciliation.