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Graduate Research Scholarship

Malcolm & Catherine Dewar Truth and Reconciliation Fellowship

Malcolm and Catherine Dewar established a fund at the University of Manitoba to reward the academic achievements of graduate students pursuing research in the area of Truth and Reconciliation in the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the University of Manitoba. Each year, beginning in 2020-2021 and continuing until funds are depleted, one scholarship of $8,000 will be offered to a graduate student who:

  • Has self-declared as a First Nations, Métis, or Inuit person from Canada;
  • Is enrolled full-time in the Faculty of Graduate Studies in a Master’s or Doctoral program at the University of Manitoba (include student number);
  • Graduated from a Manitoba high school;
  • Has achieved a minimum grade point average of 3.0 based on the last 60 credit hours (or equivalent) of study;
  • Has a direct family connection (intergenerational or otherwise) to a Residential School*; and
  • Is undertaking, or plans to undertake research focused on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s 94 Calls to Action.

Scholarship Details

  • Value: $8000
  • Currency: Canadian
  • Tenable at: No details on tenability available
  • Deadlines: February 6 (extended from January 31)

Application Details

Applications can be made in writing to the NCTR, (c/o 177 Dysart Road), or emailed ( and is to include:

  1. a current curriculum vitae;
  2. an abstract (maximum 250 words) outlining their research goals in the area of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s 94 Calls to Action;
  3. a letter from their thesis advisor confirming that they are undertaking, or are about to undertake, thesis research in the required area, and
  4. a written statement (250 words maximum) of how they meet criterion.

The fellowship is not automatically renewable, but previous recipients may re-apply.

Research Fields TEST: Unrestricted

Categories: No categories available

Citizenship: No citizenship available

Questions can be directed to: Kaila Johnston –


  • For the purposes of this award, Residential Schools may include schools recognized in the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (IRSSA) or other settlement agreements related to day schools or non-IRSSA residential schools.

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NCTR’s spirit name – bezhig miigwan, meaning “one feather”.

Bezhig miigwan calls upon us to see each Survivor coming to the NCTR as a single eagle feather and to show those Survivors the same respect and attention an eagle feather deserves. It also teaches we are all in this together — we are all one, connected, and it is vital to work together to achieve reconciliation.