ReconciliACTION Plans
#94in94 Campaign
On August 27, 2022 a community event in Winnipeg, MB, launched the second annual #94in94 Campaign to raise awareness of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 94 Calls to Action.
Daily, the #94in94 Campaign will highlight each of the 94 Calls to Action in as many days, encouraging people across Turtle Island to take action in a variety of ways.
Campaign Goals:
- Address the fact that there are still so many Canadians who have not read the TRC’s 94 Calls to Action (7 years after their release)
- Challenge individuals and organizations to choose at least one Call to Action to act on using a ReconciliAction Plan
The #94in94 Campaign is a collaboration between the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR), Circles for Reconciliation (CFR), and Reconciliation Thunder (RT).
Join the #94in94 Campaign ! Follow Reconciliation Thunder on social media from September 12th to December 15th to learn more about each of the TRC’s 94 Calls to Action and to find out what you can do to help.
You can start right now by asking your friends, family, co-workers and neighbours to join you in the campaign!
The 94 Calls to Action will be posted on all CFR and RT Social Medial platforms.
ReconciliACTION Plans
In 2015, the NCTR released the 6 Actions of ReconciliACTION that were developed to assist the public in supporting their work towards Reconciliation.
These actions are:
- Learn the history between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples;
- Understand the history and legacy of residential schools;
- Explore the unique intersections we have between treaty, constitutional, Indigenous, and human rights we have in Canada;
- Recognize the rich contributions that Indigenous peoples have made to Canada;
- Take action to address historical injustices and present-day wrongs; and
- Teach others .
The 6 actions of ReconciliACTION can be applied to any of the Calls to Action or even beyond them. Take some time to review the steps on how to create your own ReconciliACTION Plan.
6 Steps to create YOUR ReconciliACTION Plan
Step 1: Review the Calls to Action and find a thematic section (education, health, sports, etc.) that speaks to you.
What are you passionate about? Is there a topic area that addresses that passion? You do not have to do all 94 Calls to Action but find one that you would like to champion.
You can create a ReconciliACTION Plan on an interest that isn’t directly mentioned in the Calls to Action. Review the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples or the MMIWG Calls for Justice for other ideas.
Step 2: Review the 6 Actions of ReconciliACTION : Learn, Understand, Explore, Recognize, Take Action, and Teach Others.
Consider what activities you could do under each action item. 4 of the 6 actions are about awareness and education. What is happening across Canada and your region? What are your strengths or interests? What resources have you found while researching Reconciliation?
Step 3: Review a sample ReconciliACTION Plan for ideas of what you can do to educate yourself and advance Reconciliation.
Take inspiration from some of those listed activities and resources for your Plan. There are many different things you can do whether you are just starting out on your journey or are further along it.
Step 4: Set a goal in the future on when you would like to complete some of your chosen actions. Setting a goal will help keep you accountable to your ReconciliACTION Plan.
The #94in94 Campaign will complete its overview of the 94 Calls to Action on December 15th, what might you be able to accomplish by this date? Or by next’s year’s National Day for Truth and Reconciliation?
Step 5: Download the ReconciliACTION Plan template and fill it in!
Step 6: Share your ReconciliACTION Plan with friends, family, co-workers, neighbours, and over social media. Use the hashtags #94in94 #ReconciliACTION #MyReconciliACTIONPlan and tag the NCTR, Reconciliation Thunder, and/or Circles for Reconciliation.
Calls to Action Sample Plans
Over the course of #94in94 Campaign , the NCTR will release sample ReconciliACTION Plans related to the different thematic topic areas of the 94 Calls to Action. These will include suggested books, films, activities, and actions you can take to advance Reconciliation.
September 12 – Calls to Action 1-5 (child welfare)
September 17 – Calls to Action 6-12 (education)
September 24 – Calls to Action 13-17 (language and culture)
September 29 – Calls to Action 18-24 (health)
October 6 – Calls to Action 25-42 (justice)
October 24 – Calls to Action 43-44 (governments and UNDRIP)
October 26 – Calls to Action 45-47 (Royal Proclamation and the covenant of Reconciliation)
October 29 – Calls to Action 48-49 (Settlement Agreement parties and UNDRIP)
October 31 – Calls to Action 50-52 (equity)
November 3 – Calls to Action 53-56 (National Council for Reconciliation)
November 7 – Calls to Action 57 (public servants)
November 8 – Calls to Action 58-61 (Church apologies and Reconciliation)
November 16 – Calls to Action 66 (youth programs)
November 17 – Calls to Action 67-70 (museums and archives)
November 21 – Calls to Action 71-76 (missing children and burials)
November 27 – Calls to Action 77-78 (NCTR)
November 29 – Calls to Action 79-83 (commemoration)
December 4 – Calls to Action 84-86 (media and reconciliation)
December 7 – Calls to Action 87-91 (sports and reconciliation)
December 12 – Calls to Action 92 (business and reconciliation)
December 13 – Calls to Action 93-94 (newcomers to Canada)
Public Webinars
Join members of the #94in94 Campaign throughout the next 94 days on a variety of different topics related to the 94 Calls to Action.
NCTR’s spirit name – bezhig miigwan, meaning “one feather”.
Bezhig miigwan calls upon us to see each Survivor coming to the NCTR as a single eagle feather and to show those Survivors the same respect and attention an eagle feather deserves. It also teaches we are all in this together — we are all one, connected, and it is vital to work together to achieve reconciliation.