National Advisory Committee on Residential Schools Missing Children and Unmarked Burials will not support engagement processes that are not Indigenous-led
After careful consideration, the National Advisory Committee on Residential Schools Missing Children and Unmarked Burials has decided that it will …

The Archival Records of the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation inscribed in the UNESCO Memory of the World International Register
Ottawa, May 29, 2023 – At its 216th Executive Board session, UNESCO approved the nomination to inscribe the Archival Records of the …

Residential-school denialism doesn’t stand up to reality
Authored by Raymond Frogner, head of archives for the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation. Canada’s Supreme Court has acknowledged that …

Brenda Reynolds receives prestigious Owen Adams Award of Honour
The NCTR extends congratulations to Brenda Reynolds on reaching the Owen Adams Award of Honour from the Canadian Medical Association …

NCTR Statement on Doctrine of Discovery Repudiation
The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation is encouraged by the Vatican’s formal repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery and …

NCTR Statement on the visit by UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of Indigenous Peoples
On Friday, March 3, the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation was pleased to host José Francisco Calí Tzay, UN …

New agreement will assist the search for children who never returned home from residential schools
WINNIPEG — Today, the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) and the Manitoba Vital Statistics Branch signed a memorandum …

Federal agreement with international agency a worrying misstep in the sacred work of finding our missing children
The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation is deeply concerned that the federal government has given the responsibility of carrying …

Chief Cadmus Delorme appointed as chairperson of the new Residential School Documents Advisory Committee
Ottawa, Ontario — Crown−Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada and the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation Today, Stephanie Scott, …

National Advisory Committee on Residential School Missing Children and Unmarked Burials publishes Navigator Document
The National Advisory Committee on Residential School Missing Children and Unmarked Burials has published a navigator document to guide to …

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“Ka-kí-kiskéyihtétan óma, namoya kinwés maka aciyowés pohko óma óta ka-hayayak wasétam askihk, ékwa ka-kakwéy miskétan kiskéyihtamowin, iyinísiwin, kistéyitowin, mina nánisitotatowin kakiya ayisiniwak, ékosi óma kakiya ka-wahkotowak.”
Cree Proverb
NCTR is located on the original lands of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation.
The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation sits in the heart of Turtle Island and as a national organization we strive to represent and serve all of Turtle Island’s people.