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Our Partners

The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) is located at the University of Manitoba (UM) and works in partnership with universities, colleges, museums, governments and other organizations across the country.

Our partners are essential to achieving our goal of including the most people across all of Canada to keep working on highlighting truth and reconciliation and healing projects.

Partners work with the NCTR on different types of activities such as using the archives, doing research, public engagements, education and reconciliation projects. Partners may also sit at one of two seats available for partners on the Governing Circle.

The goal of our partnerships is to create the broadest possible network from coast to coast to coast. The NCTR continues to receive guidance and advice from Survivor groups and communities about issues such as Indigenous rights, culture, and the TRC’s Calls to Action. The NCTR is committed to working in partnership with Survivors, families and communities across Canada.

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If your organization is interested in working with the NCTR as a partner, please contact us.

Current Partners

Universities and Colleges

  • The University of Alberta is committed to working towards reconciliation based on a shared understanding of the historical and ongoing impacts of colonization. The university will facilitate research, oral history and community narratives, and support public education and reconciliation activities, in working towards developing a meaningful, reciprocal and sustainable response to the TRC Calls to Action.
  • University of Ottawa is the largest bilingual (French-English) university in the world. As a former Oblate institution, uOttawa is committed to building a healthy and positive future for Indigenous students and the Ottawa Indigenous community. uOttawa is dedicated to its partnership with the NCTR to create meaningful research and projects with the Omamìwìnini Anishnàbeg and all Indigenous People.

    Kichi kikinàmàdinàn Odàwàng nìjwayag àbadad inwewin (Wemitigojìmowin-Àganeshàmowin) iye Kikinàmàdinàn màmandji mishà miziwekamig. Pinàwìgo kì àbadadigoban iye abinàs ondje kà makadekonayedjig, iye kikinàmàdinàn iji mino wìkwìg kidji wìdokawàwàdj kekinàmàwandjin kaye ogog nìgàn pàdjimosedjig kaye nìgàn pàdjimosemagak Anishinàben kaye Enishinàbewidjig wàkàhì Odàwàng. Iye kikinàmàdinàn iji songi wìkwìg màmawe NCTR kidji mìkandamòwàdj andakikenindamàwin kaye ondamitàwin màmawe Omàmìwininì Anishinàben kaye kodagag eniyagizidjig Anishinàbeg.
  • The University of British Columbia The Residential School History and Dialogue Centre at the University of British Columbia partnered with the NCTR from the beginning. They supported the University of Manitoba’s bid for the home of the NCTR, with an intention to establish a West Coast independent affiliate with access to TRC records. They also continue to partner with the NCTR on several projects to bring the truth of the residential school system and legacy to light from coast-to-coast-to-coast.A West Coast Centre could provide Survivors, their families and communities with access to TRC records, and could also serve an important role in bringing many more people into informed and productive conversations
  • Lakehead University offers a culturally supportive environment to all Aboriginal students and welcomes all those who wish to learn more about Aboriginal cultures. Lakehead is planning a new facility with a research institute and an art gallery/museum at its Thunder Bay campus. The new facility will work to establish a regional NCTR satellite.
  • The University of Winnipeg is a downtown hub that connects people from diverse cultures and nurtures global citizens. The U of W offers unique programs such as a BA in Human Rights, and a Master’s degree in Development Practice with a focus on Indigenous Development. It intends to cooperate with the NCTR on activities of mutual benefit.
  • Red River College is Manitoba’s largest college of applied learning and is proud to work with the NCTR. The College plans to undertake collaborative curriculum and research projects, including student placements and faculty and staff engagement on various NCTR projects.
  • University College of the North (UCN), based in The Pas and Thompson, Manitoba, is devoted to community and northern development. Reflecting Aboriginal realities and the cultural diversity of northern Manitoba, UCN looks forward to linking the NCTR collection and initiatives with northern and Aboriginal communities.
  • Université de Saint-Boniface, is strong focal point, protector and promoter of French language and culture in Manitoba. Committed to Métis studies and students, it intends to cooperate with the NCTR on activities of mutual benefit.
  • St. John’s College, Winnipeg, is affiliated with the Anglican Church of Canada, and wholeheartedly supports the work of the National Church towards reconciliation with the Aboriginal peoples. It looks forward to promoting the work of scholars who wish to work with the NCTR collections, and providing space for them while they work.
  • St. Paul’s College Winnipeg, is home to the Arthur V. Mauro Centre for Peace and Justice, which attracts students from Canada and around the world who wish to study peace and reconciliation through its PhD and Master’s programs. These students will benefit from access to the NCTR, and their diversity, experience and research pursuits of these students will in turn benefit the Centre.
  • The Shingwauk Residential Schools Centre at Algoma University has been working closely with the NCTR since its inception and has worked for decades with many organizations, including the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Aboriginal Healing Foundation (which donated its project and research records to the Centre in 2011) on “sharing, healing, and learning” initiatives. Algoma University, which resides on the site of the former Shingwauk Indian Residential School, has a special mission to be a teaching-oriented, primarily undergraduate university focused on the needs of Northern Ontario, and also to “cultivate cross-cultural learning between Indigenous communities and other communities, in keeping with the history of Algoma University College and its geographic site.”
  • St. Francis Xavier University is working toward building reconciliation capacity with Indigenous students and communities throughout university teaching, research, service and administration programs and activities. The university is hosting ongoing reconciliation events and ceremonies, raising awareness about the TRC and facilitating the implementation of the 94 Calls to Action locally. In partnership with the NCTR, the university will assist regional community desires related to research, education, document collection, curriculum development and will seek funding to support student and facility research on reconciliation.
  • The University of Regina, in partnership with First Nations University of Canada, is working toward greater levels of Indigenization in our student supports, research and academic programming. The university believes that by learning more about the histories, contemporary issues and aspirations of Indigenous Peoples, they can more actively participate in processes of reconciliation.
  • Carleton University, via its Geomatics and Cartographic Research Centre (GCRC), began dialoguing with the NCTR in April 2014. Since then, the GCRC has secured Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council funding for the Residential Schools Land Memory Mapping Project. This five-year project will bring together a variety of universities, colleges, community groups and the NCTR to engage in collaborative mapping activities related to education and reconciliation with respect to Residential Schools. An important project objective is the eventual installation of an interactive cybercartography Atlas terminal at the NCTR to contribute to the Centre’s ongoing education and reconciliation efforts.
  • Dalhousie University is the only U15 institution in the Atlantic region, and is committed to working with community partners and the NCTR to support and promote research that will further the dialogue related to improving the quality of life for Indigenous Peoples in Canada. Dalhousie University has established a satellite information Hub to serve the needs of Mi’kmaq, Maliseet, Innu, Inuit, and other First Nations and Métis people living in the region.
  • The University of Saskatchewan (U of S) and the NCTR have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to provide access to information on Canada’s history with Indigenous Peoples. In particular, the partnership will provide opportunities for researchers and students at the U of S and the broader community, including residential school survivors, to access the vast resources and programs of the NCTR. Through the agreement, the U of S will also support and contribute to the ongoing work of the NCTR, including digitization of the records it houses, and help in practical ways to make local and remote access to the Centre’s electronic and archive resources easier for users.

Museums and Organizations

  • The Legacy of Hope Foundation (LHF) is a national Aboriginal charitable organization dedicated to creating an understanding of the legacy of Residential Schools and supporting the ongoing healing of Residential School Survivors. The LFH will assist the NCTR with nationwide outreach and education, through its 100 Years of Loss high school Edu-Kit, bilingual travelling exhibits, and design of rotating and permanent displays.
  • The National Association of Friendship Centres (NAFC) represents 117 Aboriginal Friendship Centres, as well as seven Provincial Territorial Associations (PTAs), across Canada that provide culturally enhanced programs and services to Aboriginal peoples living in urban centres. It is an Aboriginal organization focused on service delivery with reach across Canada, from coast to coast to coast, serving primarily Aboriginal peoples living off-reserve and in urban, rural and northern communities. The NAFC will facilitate digital access to the NCTR in key communities across the country.
  • The Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR) is the first museum solely dedicated to the evolution, celebration and future of human rights. The CMHR plans to work with the NCTR on a larger number of projects aimed at human rights education and promotion.
  • The Archives of Manitoba is a centre of excellence for archival practice and historical research. Among its rich collections are the Hudson’s Bay Company Archives, a vast collection of written records, photographs, maps, films and more relating to relationships between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples in Canada. The Archives of Manitoba looks forward to sharing opportunities and expertise with the NCTR.
  • The Manitoba Museum has the mandate to develop and share knowledge about the true experiences of Aboriginal peoples in Manitoba. In its rich artifact collection of more than 2.8 million objects are many thousands with Aboriginal connections. The Manitoba Museum looks forward to assisting in the respectful retention of the memories of Residential School Survivors.
  • The Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources (CIER) is a national, non-political, First Nations organization created to help build capacity within First Nations so they can address the environmental issues they face. CIER foresees many opportunities to make use of NCTR records and to collaborate with researchers working at the NCTR.
  • The Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre is an Aboriginal theological and ministry training program of the United Church of Canada. It prepares Aboriginal people for ministry and provides cross-cultural and spiritual awareness for the larger community. The Centre looks forward to the opportunities for learning and collaboration that the NCTR will provide.

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NCTR’s spirit name – bezhig miigwan, meaning “one feather”.

Bezhig miigwan calls upon us to see each Survivor coming to the NCTR as a single eagle feather and to show those Survivors the same respect and attention an eagle feather deserves. It also teaches we are all in this together — we are all one, connected, and it is vital to work together to achieve reconciliation.