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Shop the NCTR Online Store!


The NCTR now has an online store where you can purchase NCTR branded products such as mugs, water bottles, pins, t-shirts and the Calls to Action booklet. Each product showcases the NCTR logo that was carefully developed. The powerful meaning behind the logo can be found on the NCTR’s website.

Show your support for the Centre and the work being done by wearing an NCTR t-shirt or using an NCTR coffee mug. The funding goes towards the Centre’s endeavours, this is just another way you can show your support. The Centre works to share the Survivors truths in a respectful way and works with Indigenous and non-Indigenous educators, researchers, communities, and decision-makers to fuel the ongoing work of Reconciliation across Canada and beyond.

Already, the most popular product is the Calls to Action booklet, available in French and English. In this booklet, you will find the TRC’s 10 principles of Reconciliation, the 94 calls to action, and the 46 articles of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). These documents are instruments of Reconciliation that should be read and considered together.

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“Ka-kí-kiskéyihtétan óma, namoya kinwés maka aciyowés pohko óma óta ka-hayayak wasétam askihk, ékwa ka-kakwéy miskétan kiskéyihtamowin, iyinísiwin, kistéyitowin, mina nánisitotatowin kakiya ayisiniwak, ékosi óma kakiya ka-wahkotowak.”

Cree Proverb